Plakat Betta

The Beautiful Plakat Betta: A Comprehensive Care Guide

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The Plakat betta is a lovely variation of the common betta with short fins and distinct hues that can complement any aquarium.

These tropical fish have an acute temper and are very territorial by nature. However, with the proper environment and care, they can make for beautiful and rewarding pets.

In this guide, I will go over everything you need to know about Plakat betta care, from housing to diet and more!

Plakat Betta Characteristics

Plakat Betta Info
Scientific NameBetta splendens
Common NamesSiamese fighting fish, Plakat Morh, Plakat Betta, Wild Betta, Thai Betta, Shortfin Betta, Dragonscale Betta, Halfmoon Plakat Betta
OriginSoutheast Asia
Care LevelIntermediate
ActivityNocturnal active fish species
LifespanUp to 5 years
Tank LevelTop
Minimum Tank Size10 gallons
Temperature Range72-82 Fยฐ
Water Hardness2 to 12 dKH
pH Range6.0 to 7.5
Filtration/Water FlowModerate to fast
Water TypeFreshwater
Breeding Egg layer
Difficulty to BreedModerate
CompatibilitySolo or Community tanks (with caution)
OK, for Planted Tanks?Yes

Plakat Betta Origin & Habitat

Plakat bettas originate from various regions in Southeast Asia, such as Cambodia, Thailand, Indonesia, Malaysia, Laos, Vietnam, and Myanmar.

These bettas typically inhabit areas of sluggish moving waters, such as rice paddies, marshes, and ditches.

During dry seasons, they usually reside in puddles. Their labyrinth organ allows them to survive in such harsh environments since it helps the fish breathe fresh oxygen, even though the water lacks it.

What Are the Features of Plakat Betta?


Plakat bettas have long, slim bodies with a head that slopes back to a point at their overturned mouths.

In addition, these gorgeous fish have sword-like pelvic fins, distinctively round dorsal fins, and long anal fins.


Plakat bettas have a wide range of hues; they certainly won’t disappoint you!

Their colors will vary by location. Some have a silver base and glowing blue fins with red spots distributed throughout them, while others come primarily in deep red with a touch of orange. Also, there is a bright silver coloring at their base, laced with deep blue hues.

In addition, some Plakat bettas feature their full bodies in a lighter shade of pink, while others have bright yellow fins with shimmery shades of blue.

Plakat Betta Life Cycle

The life cycle of a Plakat betta begins when the male and female fish mate.

After successful mating, the female will lay its eggs on a flat surface, and the male will fertilize them.

Within a few days, the eggs will hatch into free-swimming fry and start searching for food.

To ensure the baby fish are safe, you should separate the parents from the fry since the parents may mistake them for food.

Plakat Betta Lifespan

The Plakat betta generally has a life expectancy of 3 to 5 years. However, you can help your fish live longer by providing them with the best possible care.

Also, keep an eye on them since they are more likely to engage in a fight. Consequently, if they fightย all the time, their lifespan will be drastically shortened.

Plakat Betta Size

The Plakat betta is a tiny fish that grows only 2 to 3 inchesย in length depending on the care it receives and the quality of its diet.

Plakat Betta Fish Varieties

Dragon Betta

Red Dragon Betta Fish

The Dragon betta or Dragon Scale betta is a type of Plakat betta with a shiny base and pointy scales.

In addition, the colors of their scales can range from deep black to reddish brown.

Samurai Betta

Samurai Betta

After several attempts at breeding the Dragon betta fish, the Samurai betta eventually emerged as a beautiful variation!

This fish has a black base color with a silver sheen around the scales and on its face. Also, there is a very large, silvery band that runs down its lengthwise body to the edges.

Interestingly, these bettas sometimes have white gold heads while their middle body sections remain entirely devoid of color patterns. At other times, they boast shimmery silver shades striking their fins, backs, and heads.

Blue Rim Betta

Blue Rim Betta

After generations of crossbreeding, the Blue Rim betta eventually came into existence.

The fish in this category can have up to three different shades. The base is usually white, and the fins are a beautiful shade of blue.

However, sometimes the base might look slightly different depending on lighting conditions.

Nemo Betta

Nemo Betta

The Nemo betta is available in two distinct colors: deep crimson and a mild melon tone.

Mustard Betta

Mustard Betta

The Mustard betta is a rare type of betta. They were bred in captivity about 25 to 30 years ago and are becoming extinct.

The bottoms of these fish are blue with mustard-colored fins that may be light or dark in the shade, depending on the breeding pair.

Their fins spread out like fans as they swim around in the tank, making them very aesthetically pleasing.

Hellboy Betta

Hellboy Betta

The Hellboy betta has a contrasting coloration of charcoal black and bright red. As a result, it earned its unique name!

Koi Plakat Betta

Koi Plakat Betta

Koi Plakat betta fish are incredibly colorful, with each fish having more than five different and stunning hues.

The coloration of these fish is typically bright, with various tones melding together.

Plakat vs Halfmoon Plakat Betta

The main distinction between a Plakat betta and a Halfmoon betta is the fins. The Plakat betta’s fins are shorter than those of the Halfmoon.

Another difference is their anal fins. Unlike Plakats, Halfmoon bettas have shorter anal fins that extend from their abdomens.

How To Care for Plakat Betta

Water Requirements

Even though Plakat bettas are hardy fish, they’re still sensitive to poor water conditions.

Water Quality

To ensure your fish stay healthy, you should do a 25-50% water change every week and vacuum the gravelย to remove any uneaten food or waste.

Also, you should test the water regularly for proper levels of ammonia, nitrites, and nitrates using a water test kit.

To clean off algae, you can use an algae scraper or a toothbrush, but be careful not to scratch the glass.

Water Temperature

Plakat bettas come from tropical regions where they reside in warmer waters. Therefore, you should keep the water temperature in their tank between 72ยฐ F to 82ยฐ F.

If the water temperature drops suddenly, your fish can panic and cause their bodies to go into shock, which can be fatal. To maintain consistent water temperature, you can use an aquarium heater.

pH Level

Regarding the pH level, Plakat bettas prefer slightly acidic water. Hence, it would be best to keep the pH level between 6.0 and 7.5.

To keep the pH level stable, you can use a water conditionerย or add some driftwoodย to the tank. Also, Indian almond leavesย will help maintain the acidity levels in your tank.

In addition, you should test the pH level regularly to ensure it is within the ideal range. For this purpose, you can use a pH test kit.

Water Hardness

These tropical fish come from soft to medium-hard water. Therefore, you should keep the water hardness between 2 and 12 dGH.

Tank Setup

It’s also important to have a good tank setup when it comes to caring for any type of betta.


Due to their tiny bodies, Plakat bettas are often sold in little jars and containers. Although their stay in these jars is just temporary, it gives the impression that they can live in small tanks, even in a one-gallon tank!

However, I’m afraid that’s not right. Although they are very small, Plakat bettas need enough space to move around and explore.

It would be best if you kept them in a tank that is at least 10 gallons in size. If you have more than one fish, then you will need an even larger tank.

Filtration and Aeration

Keeping the water circulation and filtration system always running is important for having a healthy fish.

For aeration, you need an air pump to keep the water well-oxygenated.

For proper filtration, you can use a canister filter, a hang-on-back filter, or a sponge filter. This will help remove the waste and toxins from the water.


While other freshwater fish are easily frightened by bright lights, the Plakat betta is not. In fact, they are quite comfortable in well-lit environments.

In the wild, they are used to natural sunlight, so their tolerance for light is relatively high.

To replicate their natural habitat, you can place the tank near a window or use a full-spectrum aquarium light during the day. When night comes, you can turn off the light or use a moonlight bulb.

Aquatic Plants and Decorations

These guys inhabit regions with a lot of vegetation, so they feel right at home among plants.

In their tank, you can add live floating plants. Some aquarium plants I recommend are Java Fern, Java Moss, Moneywort, Anubias Nana, or Narrow Leaf.

Aside from adding an aesthetic look to the tank, these plants also provide hiding places for your fish and help keep the water clean and well-oxygenated.

For caves, both rock caves and plastic caves are fantastic for your pet fish. Please ensure the edges are smooth, as jagged surfaces can harm them.


These bottom-dwelling fish come from parts of Southeast Asia, where they live in rice paddies and shallow, warm waters with a sandy substrate.

If you want to create an aquarium that emulates its natural habitat as closely as possible, you can add a generous layer of sand to the bottom.

Plakat Betta Compatibility

While it’s best to keep Plakat betta in a species-only tank, you can also keep them with other peaceful fish.

Mostly males will bump into each other and start fighting. The reason why they fight is that they are trying to assert their dominance in the tank.

However, the female Plakat betta is more peaceful and can even coexist with other fish without any problems.

The following table shows which fish are compatible with Plakat bettas:

Good Tank Mates for Plakat Betta Fish Bad Tank Mates for Plakat Betta Fish
Honey GouramisTiger Barbs
Cherry BarbsDanios
Odessa BarbsNeon Tetras
Congo Tetras
Diamond Tetras
Cory Catfish

Plakat Betta Food and Diet

Plakat bettas are carnivorous fish that don’t require plant matter in their diet. In the wild, they consume marine proteins and insects as their primary food source.

To mimic their diet in captivity, you can give them a varied diet of live, frozen, and commercial foods. Some of the best foodsย for them include:

However, you should avoid giving your betta proteins from land animals, like chicken and beef.

Breeding Plakat Bettas

Breeding Plakat bettas is difficult. However, it isn’t impossible, even if you’re a novice fish keeper. All you need is patience, time, and effort.

Some of the things you need to do are:

  • Set up a separate breeding tank
  • Maintain the temperature range between 78ยฐ F and 80ยฐ F
  • Introduce a healthy pair to the tank
  • Feed the pair a high-protein diet 2-3 times weekly for at least 2 weeks

When the ideal conditions are met, the female will display deep coloration. At the same time, the male will start chasing her until she releases her eggs.

After the mating process, your boy will make a bubble nest to protect the eggs. Then, the female will release the eggsย into the water column, which the male will put carefully into the nest.

When he is done, the male will fertilize the eggs. After three days, the eggs will hatch into free-swimming fish fry and eat their egg sacs for their first days.

At this point, you should remove the parents from the breeding tank to prevent them from eating their offspring.

After a couple of days, the baby fishย will be able to consume other foods like powdered food and baby brine shrimp.

How To Identify Male and Female?

Telling the difference between male and female bettas is not tricky. Only a few physical characteristics can help you do that.

From the table below, you can see the main differences between the two sexes:

Point of Comparison Male Plakat Betta FishFemale Plakat Betta Fish
SizeLarge Small
Belly ShapeFlat belliesRounded bellies
Dorsal Fins โ€”Contain dark patches
Fins Shape Long lace finsRound-shaped fins
tEgg SpoAbsentHave an egg spot between ventral and anal fins

Plakat Betta Fish Common Diseases

No freshwater fish is invulnerable to diseases, and the Plakat betta is no exception.

However, these bettas are robust and able to fight off most diseases, especially when they receive the proper water parameters.

Actually, I have done deep research and found out that selective breeding is responsible for their remarkable resistance to common health problems.

Some of the diseases and their symptoms that can affect your Plakat betta are:

Fin Rot

Unlike long-finned bettas, Plakat bettas can fight off fin rot. However, if you’re not attentive to your fish, they’ll be susceptible to catching this disease in freshwater aquariums.

The infected fish will show symptoms like:

  • Black, white or brown dots on fins or other body parts
  • Ragged edges to the fins or tail
  • Loss of appetite
  • Lethargy

Swim Bladder Disorder

Overfeeding your betta or keeping them in a small tank can cause swim bladder disorder. This disease will make your fish have a hard time floating or swimming properly.

The common symptoms of this disease are:

  • Staying at the bottom
  • Curved back
  • Unable to stay upright
  • Change in appetite


If you notice your fish rubbing against objects in the tank or white spots on their fins and body, they may have ich. This disease is caused by a parasitic infection and it’s pretty common among freshwater fish.

Some common symptoms are:

  • Lack of activity
  • Unable to stay focused
  • Visible weakness

How Much Do Plakat Betta Cost?

These betta fish are not particularly popular in pet stores and are more difficult to find than other betta variants.

As a result, the Plakat betta is quite expensive, and can cost anywhere from $25-60.

However, rare hues or designs may be more expensive. Also, males are usually more pricey than females.

It is important to remember that if you want to buy a Plakat betta from an online store, you will probably pay shipping fees in addition to the price of the fish. Shipping can cost around $30 extra.


Are Plakat Bettas Aggressive?

The Plakat betta is the most aggressive fish in its family. If an adult Plakat betta feels like its territory is being threatened, it will not hesitate to attack.

Are Plakat Bettas Hard to Breed?

Plakat bettas are pretty challenging to breed. You’ll need a lot of patience because the process can take some time!

Can Plakat Bettas Live in Small Tanks?

Plakat bettas cannot live in small tanks. They are active swimmers and need a lot of space to swim around despite their small size.

Are Plakat Betta Fish Active?

Plakat bettas are very active fish. They love to swim and explore their surroundings.

Do Plakat Bettas Need a Lot of Maintenance?

Plakat bettas are low maintenance fish. These fish are quite hardy and can live in a variety of conditions.

Last Words

The Plakat betta is a beautiful and unique fish that makes a great addition to any freshwater aquarium.

With their aggressive nature, these fish are not for everyone. However, if you can provide them with the right environment, they will thrive and be a joy to watch.

I hope this guide gave you all the information you need about Plakat bettas. If you have any questions or comments, please feel free to leave them below.

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