How Long Can A Betta Fish Live In A Fishbowl

How Long Can a Betta Fish Live in a Fishbowl?

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Have you ever wondered how long a betta fish (originally called the Siamese fighting fish) can live in a fishbowl?

Some people claim that you shouldn’t keep them in such a small space, as it shortens their lifespan. In contrast, others believe they’ll live hassle-free if you change the water regularly and provide them with a suitable diet.

Well, the answer to this question isn’t simple, as many factors come into play.

I’ve got all the answers for you right here! In this article, I’ll tell you everything you need to know about how long a betta fish can live in a fishbowl.

Plus, I’ll give tips on making your betta’s home as comfortable and healthy as possible.

The Lifespan of a Betta Fish in a Fishbowl

The typical lifespan of betta fish in fishbowls can be anywhere from several months to a year. It all depends on whether your pet fish is getting proper nutrition and living in a hospitable environment.

However, the lifespan of a betta in a fishbowl is significantly shorter than one that lives in a well-maintained aquarium.

I have kept one myself in a fishbowl, and I have to say, it isn’t the best idea. It didn’t have much room to swim around and was easily stressed.

My betta fish lasted for about a year before it died. If you’re considering keeping a betta fish, I recommend getting an aquarium instead of a fishbowl.

Why Shouldn’t Bettas Be Kept in Fishbowls?

Lack of Space

The minimum size tank for a betta fish is five gallons, and finding a fishbowl that can hold five gallons of water can be challenging! There won’t be enough space for your bettas to swim and grow properly, and you won’t be able to provide any hiding places or decorations.

In my opinion, getting a proper fish tank that’s big enough for your bettas will be much easier and will give them even more space to swim around and stay healthy.

Lack of Filtration

Attaching a filter to a betta fish bowl might be challenging, owing to the bowl’s spherical nature.

If you aren’t filtering your fish bowl, the waste and uneaten betta fish food will build up. As a result, ammonia and nitrite levels will rise, potentially leading to health problems for your fish.

Still, you can find some bowls with custom-fit filters, heaters, and even lighting. However, they will be more expensive.

Almost Impossible To Install a Heater

Heating a fish bowl can be a real pain. Unless you get a custom-fit heater, finding a flat surface to install a heater will be a bit of a task.

And without a heater, your poor betta fish might have to deal with dramatic temperature fluctuations depending on the season. All these temperature changes can easily stress your fish.

Can a Fishbowl Be Adjusted According to Bettas Needs?

Setting up a fish bowl for your betta isn’t as simple as filling it with clean water and adding your fish.

You’ll need to provide it with the proper equipment to ensure your betta’s survival. Here are a few things to consider when setting up a bowl for your betta fish.

How Long Can A Betta Fish Live In A Fishbowl

Provide Enough Space

During my research, I found some betta fish enthusiasts recommending a fishbowl size of only two and a half gallons. That’s way too small for a betta fish to swim around!

Even if your fishbowl is large enough, there’s less surface area for your fish to breathe, which can lead to health problems.

So, make sure to look for at least a 5-gallon fishbowl. However, finding a fishbowl of this size can be tricky.

Ensure Proper Filtration

Your beautiful fish will produce a lot of waste; this water pollution can form bacteria and infections, causing your fish to become ill and potentially die.

Installing a water filtration system in the bowl will keep it as clean as possible for your fish.

However, conducting a weekly water exchange and cleaning the fish tank is still important. As a general rule of thumb, you should be cleaning the tank at least once per week and even twice whenever your tank looks cloudy and dirty.

Maintain the Water Temperature

The popular betta fish’s natural habitat is Asia’s rice fields with tropical waters of temperatures between 75 and 80 degrees Fahrenheit. So, if the water temperature gets too cold, various processes within the fish’s body will start to shut down.

For example, colder waters will affect your betta’s immune system, resulting in a shortened lifespan.

Since installing a heater in a fishbowl is hard, I recommend using a method of continual heat like blue light bulbs.

Use a Lid To Cover the Bowl

These tropical fish are known for being good jumpers. So you must provide a lid for your fishbowl to prevent them from jumping out.

On top of that, it’ll keep other animals from getting in and harming your fishy friend, like pesky insects or even a cat.

Proper Oxygen Levels

Due to the small size of the fishbowl, you may want to consider using an air bubbler to increase the oxygen levels.

Just be sure to choose one that’s not too big or bulky, or it will take up too much space in the bowl.


How Long Do Betta Fish Live?

This attractive fish has a life expectancy of three to five years, but with the proper care, they can live up to six years.

What Are Signs That My Betta Fish Is Dying?

The first and most common sign that your betta fish is dying is the loss of appetite. If your betta fish stops eating or only eats very little, it could be a sign that something is wrong.

Other symptoms of an unhealthy fish include lethargy, listlessness, unresponsive eyes, increased respiration, floating upside down, and gasping at the bottom or the top of the tank.

How Often Does a Betta Fishbowl Require Cleaning?

To maintain water quality, you should clean your tank every two weeks if it just has your fish and no extra plants, and once per week if it has real plants, rocks, or other objects.


In terms of lifespan, a fishbowl isn’t an ideal environment to keep a betta fish healthy. The bowl’s small size, lack of proper filtration, and inability to adjust the temperature can lead to health problems for your fish.

Instead, investing in a larger tropical fish aquarium and providing it with all the necessary equipment will ensure your betta’s long and happy life.

Do you have any further questions? Let me know in the comments below!

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